Hello, I'm Nydia

I've always enjoyed solving puzzles, nowadays I get the opportunity to solve real life situations through joining all pieces together. When I started my career as a graphic designer I never thought I would end up using strategy as my main creation tool. I’m currently a product designer  who has experimented as a researcher and  likes to innovate digital experiences  and services. I enjoy collaborating in big multidisciplinary teams, best ideas always come from working together!

What I've been up to...

Since I graduated on 2014 and got my first job at a creative agency I have always tilted to the web and digital realm. Fascinated by the new tendencies with art installations on the emerging fields of technology and the evolution of web design.  I come from a deeply creative and self taught background.  When I landed my first big role as a brand manager, on 2015, I started working very closely with corporate brands. At the time I realized that I wanted to be able to provide a stable ground for creative and strategical work to happen, therefore I took a certification on design thinking and innovation.

This helped me to smoothly transition  and face new challenges on the corporate world. Experiencing that it was very interesting to work with people that had a lot of industry knowledge but not a lot of tech understanding, I was grateful to be selected in the digital transformation program on CEMEX. This opened a lot of opportunities for me leading me to feel secure enough to start taking experience consulting projects and then landing a researcher role in the financial services on a USA startup.  I currently decided to take some time off to study and make the best of my Financial Psychology and Behavioral  Finance Certification.

My Career
Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman
Financial Psychology and Behavioral Finance at Creighton University
Catch Fire by Mothermary
Yoga and Meditation