Redefining ways to Book: Viya Co-living

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Viya is an apartment booking service that promotes co-living and housing flexibility. I had the pleasure to work with them helping in the deeper understanding of their users providing a better online experience, achieving a solid digital presence and facilitating information for their users.
March - September 2020
Interface Design, Service Design and Google Analytics Implementation
Top view of webpage screens
" 3x more bookings and a 40% more site visits in a 5 month period of time " 
I was personally inlove with the whole idea, since for this last year I’ve been working remotely while traveling. This would definitely revolutionise the whole stay plan and facilitate to more users like myself, but also was excited about all of this being promoted in Mexico. 

Since co-living isn’t something that is currently well known or adopted in Mexico, we came to the task of being able to communicate what it was about while creating easier flows across the website. We would base the experience on already known mental models and behavioural patterns. 

Our general hypothesis ir that if we provide clear steps across the whole path leading to a rental while communicating at the same time what Viya is about then we would be easier for our users to relate to the service provided. Viya is a co-living and apartment rental service that seeks to their facilitate the whole process from the beginning while searching to moving day. It offers new living qualities like fully equipped apartments, the possibility of sharing living spaces with people alike to you and flexible stays.
So I decided that there are already very well build mental models across the process of renting a house or booking a stay, since we were not creating an actual new experience I started by carefully evaluating other apartment rentals services, hotels and real state websites and applications. I decided to evaluate all of these with an heuristic analysis followed by a benchmark on what information is provided along the path.

Viya already had a screen recording service and I took care of setting some goals and a funnel on google analytics so that I could analyse the site performance. By combining both the heuristic analysis, information benchmark and site performance data, I was able to base design decisions more accurately to meet business's goals. Viya’s goals were initially to make the booking path as easier as it could get and to provide the user useful information across the whole process.

This leading as a result in more bookings and a larger community of viyistas. Viya had already their branding but had not being able to convert it to a digital presence. We worked together in establishing some new guidelines that would apply more accurately to a digital brand and would convey the business mission, along with colours and iconography. I opted for a circular typography that would provide the feeling of freshness, friendliness and trustwhorty, while also noting the most knowledgeable fact that it is legible and memorable.
Webpage BeforeWebpage After
We ended up with a beautiful webpage that was up to a larger business standards. The metrics on analytics went way up! When I started working with Viya they had around +50 inquilinos, when we finished working they had +150.  This is 3x more bookings in a 5 month period of time. This was quite a success, and I believe the primary reason for it, was that both owners fully trusted the design process we went trough and supported quantitative design based decisions.  Which I would also recommend to my fellow product designers, it is sometimes easier to get the team on-board when able to back decisions on already tangible data.
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